Thursday, June 17, 2010

Food Inc - Official Trailer [HD]

Fun Falafel Feast

Serve this popular Mediterranean appetizer for dinner—your guests will ask for seconds.

9 oz. cooked chickpeas
1 clove garlic
Salt, to taste
1/2 tsp. lemon juice
1 tsp. vegetable oil
1 tsp. flourVegetable oil for deep-frying

Combine all the ingredients, except the oil for deep-frying, and blend in a food processor.
Taste and adjust the seasonings.
Make balls (about the size of a lime) out of this mixture.
Heat the oil for deep-frying and deep-fry 4 to 5 balls at a time.

4 Servings

Makes 4 servings

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Planet Friendly Changes

Here are Three planet changes to help make our mother earth a better place for us all.

1.Bike to work: For every gallon of gas we use it produces more than 19 pounds of carbon dioxide the plus side is that while biking we can burn up to 600 calories per hour.

Share the road. Riding your bike may not work for every one the eco friendly way to do this is by carpooling Carpooling one day a week, eliminates about 400 pounds of CO2 per person annually organize a carpool amoung your co- workers.

2. Eat Organic and Local: You are what you eat, and this is not always good news. Considering the number of chemicals used to grow crops, raise lifestock and preserve your favoriate foods. It's likely that we are ingesting traces of these chemicals. This is why we need to be mindful when it comes to our choices. mindfulness also involves knwing where food comes from and how it is grown. The Health bebefits: Buying organic and local is the safest choice considering the long list of downsides to conventionally produced food. The same chemicals used to keep conventionally grown apples, peppersand other fruits and vegetables pest and disease free can cause a host of health problems. Including birth defects, nerve damage and Cancer. According to a report published by the Environmental Working Group. Noshing on the most contaminated crops which include Peaches, Strawberries, lettuce and carrots means you will ingest an average of 10 pesticides per day. Organic produce is a great alternative because it's chemical free. Studies have shown that organic produce has more antioxidants micronutrients and fewer nitrates than their conventionally grown counterparts. It's not also produce that 's cause for conern according to the CSPI, beef from grain-fed cattle is a major source of saturated fat and cholesterol. Which in turn increases your risk of heart disease. look for Grass-fed beef and bison. which are leaner and may contain up to five times the number of Omega 3. When it comes to Poutry and Pork look for products that are label "Free Range" and "Organic" to be sure you are getting the healthies cust. Because these cost more, opt for meatless meals a few times a week. Given the average meal travels 1,500 miles before it reaches our table. Choosing Organic and Local is a great way to make smaller Carbon footprints. 15% of the pesticides that are sprayed on crops actually hit their target, the rest of the chemicals are released into the soil, water and air resulting in contamination of water ways illness and death in birds and aquatic life. Erotion and air pollution. Raising livestock is also a significant source of enviromental stress. A nonvegetarian diest is uses almost three times more energy and 13 times more fertilizer than a vegetarian diet.

3. Reduce your toxin exposure: You may be surprised to learn that the products you use to keep your hair shiny, your skin soft and your home sparkling are often chemical cocktails masquerading in pretty packages. The latest science shows that the chemicals in the products we use are getting into our bodies and disturbing our environment. Swapping out chemical laden conventional products with natural alternatives can really pay off when it comes to your health now and down the road. Studies have linked the chemicals found in these conventional products including ( triclosan, 2 butoxyethanol, and antibacterial Quats and alkylphenol ethoxylates) to allergies and asthma, anemia and even certain cancers. Two of the biggest offenders are phthalates and parabeans . Both are endocrine disrupters, which means they may interfere with productive process potentially interfering with infertility, endrometriosis, brest cancer and fetal adnormalities. Endocrine disruptors have also been linked to early puperty in gilrs, and deformaties of the male productive system. Many of the products we use on our bodies are absorbed through our skin and can go directly in our bloodstream. When we use chemical laden products to clean our home we inhale those chemicals because they linger in the air. When it comes to minimazing your chemicals exposure reading labels is a good start U. S. regulations requiere all beauty products to list ingredients on the packing. So reading can help you identify toxins. Unfortunately even products that seem sfe can contain powerful chemicals. Look for cleaning products that have been certified by non profits Green Seal or Ecologo, which have more rigorous safety, health and environmental standards than the Federal Government requieres. When it comes to Beauty products Like the USDA Organic seal. Which certifies that the products have undergone a stringent approval process, and do not contain several key ingredients of concern. Chemicals that are powerful enough to inpact your health also do their share of damage to the environment. After each use, the chemicals in your shampoo, soap, cleaning products are washed straight down the drain, and would end up in your drinking water. A joint study done by the EPA and Baylor University in Waco Texas, found chemicals like Galaxolide and Tanalide, commonly used in Fragrances in beauty and cleaning agents were polluting waterways and present in the tissue of fish as a result of chemical runoff in rivers and streams.
So remember it's not jut about Health, its also about the planet and how we can help make this place better for us all.

Monday, June 14, 2010

What is In Season ( June, July, August)

The following are what will be in season for the months of June, July and August.
Most organic Co- ops will include some if not all in the boxes. Enjoy

1. Apricots
2. Beets
3. Bell Peppers
4 Black Berries
5. Butter Lettuce
6. Cantaloupe
7. Casaba melon
8. Chayote Squash
9. Cherries
10. Corn
11. Cucumbers
12. Eggplant
13. Figs
14. Grapefruit
15. Grapes
16. Green Beans
17. Honeydew Melon
18. Jalapeno Peppers
19. Lima Beans
20. Limes
21. Lychees
22. Nectarines
23. Okra
24. Passion Fruit
25. Peaches
26. Peas
27. Plums
28. Radishes
29. Raspberries
30. Summer Squash
31. Tomatillo
32. Tomatoes
33. Watermelon
34. zucchini.

Enjoy all this healthy and yummy fruits and vegetables.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Why Organic

There is no more important single thing we can do to have a bigger impact on helping the planet and our bodies than choosing real organic foods.

Organic foods are produced without the use of chemicals, herbicides, fungicides, petroleum-, sewage- or sludge-based fertilizers or chemical pesticides. Organic food is not bio-engineered, genetically modified, nor is it irradiated. Poultry and Beef are fed only organic feed, are grazed on organically maintained pastures, and are not given antibiotics, hormones or animal by-products

Conventional farmers use millions of pounds of pesticides each year, much of which ends up in our drinking water and oceans. Pesticides and chemicals kill off living things - bugs and animals that may eat the food as well as

In short, pesticides cause disease and death. That's their goal, to kill off the bugs and pests. But they are having serious impacts on the lives of humans and especially on our future, our very own children. This is particularly important in the amounts and combinations of these pesticides. Since most children are picky eaters, they will eat more of one thing meaning more of certain chemicals. The long-term effect of these pesticides, herbicides, fungicides and chemicals, and the effect of the 'cocktail' of pesticide combinations on growing children has not been completely studied but it's clearly impacting fertility, development, health, and longevity. Pesticides can cause birth defects, cancer, nerve damage, impact our immune system, and disrupt our hormonal balance.

More recent news suggests that conventional foods may help us keep unwanted weight on our bodies. We all know the liver's function is to clear our bodies of toxins. The latest research indicates that the toxic buildup burdens the liver's function to such an extent that it cannot do it's other important jobs - burn body fat! An impaired liver can therefore cause weight gain.Organic farmers are leaders and innovators at protecting our environment while protecting the crops naturally. Organic farmers work with the natural ecosystem to improve the soil and deter pests. They rotate crops between fields and have diversity in their farms; while the conventional farmer limits crops and farming practices which depletes the soil's nutrients and leads to a real risk of crop damage from disease.Organic farmers plant certain flowers and bushes to attract helpful insects who will then eat or deter pests that might otherwise eat the crops; conventional farms kill off insects and pests, helpful and hurtful to the farmer.Organic farmers work with nature to replenish the soil, do not use toxic pesticides or fertilizers and maintain a biologically sustainable investment in our future. The organic farmer works to create and maintain healthful soil. Worms and microorganisms work to keep the soil strong. The soil feeds the plant. Therefore healthful soil creates food with more nutrition. True, conventional food is devoid of harmful bacteria and bugs, but it is also lower in nutritional value and has less flavor.Chemicals deplete the top soil and cause soil erosion which in turn offers less nutrition to the plant which in turn creates less nutritious food for us. In addition, the chemicals and pesticides are killing off microorganisms. Many of these microorganisms are helpful and are actually healthful. Discoveries of helpful bacteria that turn into cures for disease are found in dirt regularly around the world. In killing off the good and bad organisms, we are creating new super-resistant bugs and strains of insects and pests that require even more powerful chemical pesticides to be killed. Healthy plants are more disease resistant, are more drought resistant, create a better supply of food, create more nutritious food, and grow strong without chemical assistance. It all works together. At home, our own yards can be maintained organically. Years ago, we would to play in the dirt, dirt that was free of harmful chemicals and loaded with helpful microorganisms. As children this set up our immune systems to be strong. Children were healthier. When our children run and play in the yard, we need to make sure that is a yard they can lie in safely and that runoff from our yard is not going to poison our planet and water supply.Conventional farming overseas is even worse than in the U.S. since farmers can get away with more with relaxed environmental laws. Conventional farming overseas is even worse than in the U.S. since farmers can get away with more with relaxed environmental laws. In many countries, conventional farming is destroying the rainforest and causing the demise of plants and animals for the sake of one single kind of "cash" crop ki. Forests are plowed to make way for planting, soil is eroded, chemicals and poisons enter our water systems, animals lose their homes, toxins enter the delicate ecosystem.And talk about doing our part to help curb global warming, conventional farming uses more fossil fuels. Fossil fuels are used to create pesticides and chemicals. They are used to transport them to the farm. Micro-organisms that would otherwise hold carbon are killed releasing carbons into the atmosphere. Once the soil is depleted of micro-organisms, the soil must be enriched with chemical fertilizers which again take fossil fuels in creation and transportation. Conventional farms are more automated and use more fossil fuels generally. They have an over-abundance of manure since they are not using that so that is another issue which must be removed with fossil fuels. Organic farming uses up to 60% less fossil fuel per unit of food.What is Biodynamic? Biodynamic Demeter supervised farming meets all organic standards and takes them even further. This system was created in ancient times to create healthful soil to withstand the test of time. Biodynamic farming takes even more time and money and therefore things cost more, but what it gives us is a true harmony with our land. It works with the plants, animals, and the environment to promote healthy soil and healthy plants.Choosing organic produce and biodynamic products supports local, generally smaller, organic farms and the families who work those farms. Paying organic farmers in other countries a fair wage by choosing Fair Trade products allows them to create strong communities, schools and help children and their families. In addition, and as you would guess, conventional farmers and the people that work in and around the fields (including the people that crop dust and spray the chemicals and pesticides) have a much higher risk of cancer than organic farmers. Organic certification confirms a set of standards:
farmland used to grow the produce must be free of chemicals (pesticides, fertilizers, etc) for at least three (3) years. During the three year period, they are considered "transitional" and before that they are simply conventional.
there is a paper trail to make sure that product is indeed the organic product you expect.
organic poultry and beef are raised on organic feed or organically maintained pastures
organic cows and chickens cannot be given growth hormones, stimulants or antibiotics
organic dairy cows, poultry and cattle must be treated humanely witho clean water,o a clean place to sleep,o access to the outdoors,o exercise, ando fresh air
organic dairy pasteurization must meet hygienic standards
dairy cows may not be sold for slaughter as beef
beef is processed in a certified plant where organic cows are separated from conventional ones and the entire processing line must be cleaned to organic specifications for the organic ones
no more than 5% of the ingredients (excluding water and salt) are conventional; or at least 95% of the product is organic as per the standards of certification
organic products cannot use some organic and some conventional of the same ingredientChemical poisons are dangerous. The environmental impact is great today and sadly, they remain in the ecosystem for decades after use. When we look and see that organic foods are sometimes more than conventional, we need to remember the toll conventional foods are having upon our world and our future. Organic foods are actually less costly when we look at the money it takes to fix the problems created by conventional farming. And yes, EVERY choice, EVERY person, EVERY item counts as a vote in the right direction.Understandably, organic can cost more than conventional, but remember that cheap is not food, cheap is a way to fill the belly that has expensive repercussions long-term upon our health and our planet. It's actually more expensive to produce cheap food, more energy is needed to create each calorie and the clean up of the mess made to our health and our environment is expensive. Instead choose organic whenever possible - particularly for those foods you feed yourself and family most. That will offer you the biggest impact on your own lives and is the best place to start.Organic farming protects our water supply, our wild life, our families, and our future. Choosing organic foods is like voting to go back to a more natural and safer way of breathing, eating, and living. It's a vote for our health today, our children's current and future health, our environment, animals, and our planet.

Article By: Annie

Inner Beauty

Inner Beauty
Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is essential to maintaining a youthful look. I want to stress three very important things I believe in.

1. Preventation
2. Treatment
3. Maintenance

You can take Preventative measures into your hands and lead a healthier, more vibrant Life.Natural,healthy living is the secret to inner and Outer beauty. When we eat natural foods we simply look and feel better. Healthy eating is a key component of a complete beauty regimen, not to mention a real lifestyle enhancement.As people get older, their bad habits like smoking and eating poorly start to show, whereas people who eat plenty of fruits and vegetables keep their cells clean and healthy, start to stand out and look radiant despite their age.
Which Fruits and Vegetables should we buy Organic?
Not all fruits and vegetables are highly sprayed. Here is a list of the worst to the best conventionally grown vegetables and fruits in terms of their pesticide concentrations found on the food. The Environmental Working Group has determined that you can reduce your intake of pesticides by about 90% if you avoid consuming the to 12 worst contaminated fruits and vegetables.

Here is the list of the top 12 most contaminated fruits and vegetables (these are the ones you should eat organic)

3.Sweet Bell Peppers
9.Grapes (Imported)
Here are the 12 best, least contaminated fruits and vegetables:
3.Sweet Corn (Frozen)
6.Sweet Peas (Frozen)

Pesticides can disrupt hormone function and balance and have been linked to cancers, headaches and birth defects, to name a few. According to the National Academy of Sciences, even low doses of pesticide exposure in children and pregnant women can be toxic to developing fetuses and developing brains of children. Redbook magazine published a great article on the rationale for organic foods that can be found in their September 2007 issue of Red Book.Article By: Dr. Dr. Wang believes that the patient as a whole needs to be taken into account, she identifies what is out of balance and then makes a plan to balance and reverse much of the illness and disease. It is incredible to watch the healing power of the body if just given the chance to heal and recover. For more information about her practice, please go to

Swamp Diva Juice

Swamp Diva Juice
Today I started making green Juice for Myself in the morning. In hopes of loosing weight and been in better health. To my surprise the Juice was not bad at all and I did not mind drinking it. This is something that I will be doing for the next 10 days. The following is the recipe and I hope you guys will try it and let me know what you think.
Makes 1 serving
1- Head of Romaine Lettuce or Celery
5-6 Stalks of Kale ( any type)
1-2 Apples ( for taste)
1- Whole Organic Lemon ( I peeled mine)
1-2 Inches of Fresh Ginger (Optional)Process of the vegetables in the Juicer Pour into a glass and drink to good Health.

From: The Raw Food Detox Book